"Steely Neelie"
Is really getting tired, can't you think of something else?
Neelie Kroes, European Commissioner for the Digital Agenda, warned yesterday that moves to cloud computing must not endanger citizens' rights to privacy and proper data protection. neelie kroes Neelie Kroes: Cloud companies need EC's "help" to "know exactly what is allowed and what is not". Kroes told the Université Paris …
Of course being cloud friendly does not mean you ignore security. Since when do you start to ignore security in the IT world and in data storage? It seems that cloud computing has a bad reputation when it comes to security. It seems the UK government has spent more time leaving our personal data on train station benches than beefing up their TI security. Certainly a move to the cloud can't be a bad thing. If anything, I would see it as a security improvement.