Competing against who?
But the question is can windows 7 really do touch screen? and is there going to be a replacement to an APP store?
Me thinks the answer to both is No
So what is this for? What are they trying to sell this as?
There's no word on UK pricing yet, but Dell's Inspiron Duo - the PC giant's netbook-to-tablet convertible - will go on sale here on 2 December. Inspiron Duo Dell formally launched the machine last night following the netbook's debut on Microsoft's online store. The Duo's US price, Dell said, is $550. That's minus sales tax …
for home use.
Been considering something to replace the home desktop for a while and this seems ideal as I was previously considering an Anrdoid tablet but seriously doubted I could do without a keyboard 100%.
Both the Mrs and I have work laptops so business stuff isn't an issue but for the sake of our sanity I think we would both like to keep work and home seperate!
I would be very pleased to see an SSD option rather than spinning media and would be even more impressed if further down the line there was some community work to get Android and Win7 Dual booting on the thing.