Had a similar problem
I had a similar problem with a fake account I set up. FB insisted that thay'd had complaints it had been abusing other users and then that my email address was invalid.
(Despite the fact that it had been successfully used to send me email before and also when telling me it was invalid, they never actually tried to connect to my mail server, just some internal process went "ah, @homeaddress.com, DENIED")
It was only "friends" with my real account and hadn't abused anyone. I can't disagree that it was breaking the rules, but never abused any other user.
After a few emails back and forth (with similar comments "your account is deleted and can never be re-enabled, it's impossible") it was re-enabled.
You do have to play the game though. You need to carefully read and follow instructions. Those instructions are only viewable if you have access to the relevant "help pages" (which means you will have to have an account, so if you are a genuine single account user, you're screwed)
Bizarrely, despite killing the account, it was still listed as a friend to my real account and I could still see all my profile details etc... Just not login. They couldn't even delete it properly.
Also, it's a female account and has survived the latest round of fake account deletion!