back to article Dell tablet-netbook combo PC out next week

Dell will begin selling its Inspiron Duo laptop-cum-tablet next week, it has been claimed. The gadget, which was first shown off in September at the Intel Developer Forum, is a 10in netbook with a screen that pivots within the lid's bezel so the machine can be used in the usual way or as a tablet. Inspiron Duo Moles cited …


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  1. Tom_

    I know everyone's a critic, but...

    ...that just looks stupid.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Thumb Up

      Maybe, but...

      I still want one though. It addresses all of the reasons I haven't bought a netbook (getting good visibility in cramped places like aeroplane seats) or a tablet. As long as there aren't any absolute howlers like a 2 hour battery life or the screen falling out after a month I think this will do very well. Too bad it still says Dell on it....

      1. sT0rNG b4R3 duRiD

        I'll look at it too

        It looks interesting. I wonder what a tablet win7's gonna feel like.

        Among other random things, I'd suggest checking that the SD card doesn't stick out of the slot awkwardly. Seen some dell netbooks that do that, and that really sucks... Pet peeve of mine.

    2. mamsey
      Thumb Up

      Quite like it really

      I think it's a goer and if I didn't already have too many laptops would proably buy one...

    3. The BigYin

      I thought it looked good...

      ...right up until I read the OS that it had. But then it's a Dell, they're not allowed to sell any one else's OS.

      1. iamapizza

        @The BigYin

        Sure, it'll come with Win7, but you know that the 'community' will find a way to get Ubuntu and FC and Android and what-not working on it. You only need wait.

        1. Goat Jam
          Gates Horns


          and pay the Windows tax of course.

  2. Alastair Dodd 1
    Thumb Up

    already got a win 7 tablet

    but If I didn't that would be on my shopping list.

    Love the screen!

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Looks good actually.

    Interesting solution, looks good.

    On a practical point, how's the wiring work on that? Some sort of cylindirical connection through the pivot points or spring loaded pins and contact points in each of the two positions, i.e. does it only work in the two positions?

  4. bmovie


    Hang the frame on a nail or clothes hook and you can wall-mount this laptab!

    The frame also functions as a handle—use your thumb to grasp the base.

    You might want to buy a lid if you don't want the screen to get scratched since it will always be facing outward—otherwise a t-shirt will suffice.

    I suspect there's a digital keyboard on the screen, otherwise it'd look pretty silly opening and closing the lid to type emails and blogs. If there is a digital keyboard on the screen, why bother even opening the lid to get at the keyboard?

  5. Dick Emery

    Youtubed it

    Watching the demo it seems very laggy and he had to tap it to get it to react when he tried to turn the globe with his finger. Windows 7 touch for you I guess. I wonder if it will be any better with Android on it. Also I'd like to see better screen technology. But I guess a 10" OLED or AMOLED would be pretty prohibitive. I wonder if that e-ink competitor (name evades me right now) would work as a touch screen.

  6. Goat Jam


    Great idea, stick an arm processor in there for decent battery life and you would have a goer but as it stands this thing will be hot and heavy with a battery life of a few hours at best.

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