I use this "feature" from time to time because, unlike a lot of search results, it "works".
Google, type in ARMH. Bang, result, pretty graph. Right there. I don't need to visit another site, I don't need to worry if another provider will be all hissy-fit about Google sharing their intellectual property. I can see that I'm is steady, while Apple (AAPL) has had a more turbulent day.
This is *similar* to the Microsoft anti-trust case, but has one enormous difference - nobody is FORCING Google into a prominent position. Alternatives exist. There's nothing to stop you erasing Google from your system and using Bing! instead.
Google is simply providing salient useful results in a hurry for the attention-deficit crowd (i.e. people like me). I'd be a bit pissed if they stopped because somebody somewhere objected.
Oh, the irony. I was going to suggest Yahoo! as an alternative, but when I typed ARMH into, I received: A.R. Materials Handling Ltd, ARM's website, and link three? Well, link three was a link to ARMH on Google finance.
Oh, the irony - the sequel. (redirects to flagging GB). Typed in ARMH and the first link was the British Army website. Frigging idiots. "armh" != "army"!!! And immediately below that? Oh, the irony... the irony... a pretty little chart JUST LIKE GOOGLE's linking to and correct me if I am wrong, but both bing and msn are bits of Microsoftian on-line presence, no? Oh, and then followed like a dozen links to arm*y* websites. If you type in CSCO, the msn chart is top result.
To flog a dead horse deader yet, CSCO on - link one is a yahoo news item, link 2 is yahoo finance. Meh, no pretty chart. [Altavista is, these days, just a rebranded Yahoo, same results]
For information overload, try CSCO in Wolfram|Alpha.
So, hey, why's this guy picking on Google. Does he have a conflict that ought to be declared?