17 Miles....
Cool - I wonder how fast you can make hydrogen - in cubic meters at atmospheric pressure, from 240V @ 10A....
(thinks BIG taped together thing garbage bag balloon - and going higher than Kettinger - with a small load)
Actually the whole project is rather fab - and the paper plane, with paper straws and skin - very clever.
I'd like to use the base vented plain non elastic balloon - but a HUGE ONE... to get the lift, the altitude and the duration - as the latex ones - slightly compress the hydrogen and then tend to go pop at high altitude - either that or use a string of them, only partially inflated, to like barely lifting their own weight - so when they go up and expand in the altitude, they go WAY up and expand heaps instead of popping.
Don't understand why the release mechanism was so big, I could have done that all up in under 50 grams.
i also would have designed the plane to glide - in a self steering way, back to the launch point with an articulated glide ratio of 10%.
Rather than just open my big mouth, I think I will.
I have actually been shit green with envy and desire to do what Kettinger did - and I'd like to do what he did, more than anything else in the world.