Dare I ask
what the LOHAN project is?
A tip of the hat this afternoon to reader Jon Grove, who was so impressed by our Paper Aircraft Released Into Space high-altitude snaps that he decided to get down and dirty with some hot PARIS images. Jon explains: "I used PaintshopPro, copied a bunch of your pictures into different layers, scaled and rotated and positioned …
... a toy inside any other toy box, but, overshadowed by the likely possibility of presence in said toy box being rabidly turned into some sort of international theater entertainment for the masses to disseminate upon by <insert favorite radical liberal/left wing-conservative/right wing media here>
Right, right, that's my coat, yes please I am on my way now, no need to shove.....
"Paper aeroplane launched into space captures breathtaking images
British space enthusiasts have made history by launching a paper aeroplane into space which captured a series of breathtaking images on its glide back to earth."
On my morning Tube ride, I spotted the familiar scavenger logo in that bastion of journalistic excellence that is the Metro. Gentlemen, the Vulture has now well and truly landed. If any dates and wild parties with supermodels ensue, we will of course expect full Playmo-coverage.
...Thanks to Team El-Reg for such an epic project, and for giving us all the smug feeling of having been in on it from the start when the rest of the media are only just now catching up with the awesomeness of flying a paper plane to space and back, and taking pictures to prove it!
...Thanks also for the appreciative comments regarding my (for it was me whodunnit) photographic stitch-up job. It was fascinating to see the panorama gradually coming together, and then trying to match it up with Google Earth's view.
Great to see the 'big' news outlets running with the story, anyway. Looking forward to LOHAN :-)