back to article Ofcom clears way for iPhone apps for TV voting

Ofcom has cleared the way for iPhone voting applications for TV. Voting through specially-formatted text messages, or calls to sequential numbers, could soon be a thing of the past as the regulator has finally clarified the rules on applications that allow one to vote, and pay, though an application installed on the phone. …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Dumb down

    Well done freaks!

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Xfactor is my guilty pleasure.*

    Would never pay to vote though.

    Rebecca to win...

    *Apart from having to shout "f*ck off Cheryl" every time the patronising, stupid-voiced strangely-coloured talent vacuum has the audacity to comment on anybody else's musical ability.

    1. Whirlpool

      celebrity-induced tourettes syndrome

      I have a similar affliction which manifests whenever Piers (f*ckdust) Morgan appears on screen or in print

  3. Paranoid Consultant

    Maybe even control when you can vote too...

    The app could be written in such away that it would only allow voting during the active show and therefore heading off any repeat of the uncounted vote scandals.

  4. hplasm


    The way things are going, the next TV voting will be activated by dribbling.

  5. Dan 55 Silver badge
    Paris Hilton

    Forget about X-Factor

    Ouch my balls! is the next logical step.

  6. GeorgeTuk

    Great news for the networks...

    ...a button that makes it even easier for the uneducated mases to send their money away.

    Just one button press to spend £1.50. At least doing on a standard phone means they are an extra set away.

    Somebody I know spent £20 voting on XFactor in one night....oh dear.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    App to send SMS?

    I'd rather have voting apps that didn't charge to vote, sod the revenue streams for already wealthy greedy f*ckers.

    For TV debates etc not X Factor type crap of course.

  8. A J Stiles
    Thumb Up

    Nice bit of forward thinking

    "The app can't add features either; everything must be possible without the app to avoid it turning into an advert for a specific platform"

    Oooh! Now, this is the sort of forward thinking I like.

    How about a law requiring all software applications to be supplied in Source Code form, so they can be compiled and run on any OS and any architecture? Well ..... doesn't hurt to dream, does it?

  9. turnip handler

    OK for voting but how about quizes and comps?

    This may give a nice easy way for people to sms a vote, as the only options are sms or call. But the competions at the end of shows all have three ways to enter, the cost options of call or sms and the free option of via the website.

    Users who vote via an app would surely then want to enter the comps via an app, but as phones that have the concept of apps, also have web access I would hope that Ofcom make some statement to cover this future development to ensure that competion entry via an app is available via sms or web access.

  10. Anon

    "Blindingly obvious"?

    Better patent that then.

  11. alex dekker 1

    Title? I'm commenting on an article, not sending an email

    "complexity of the voting process"

    Are you being serious?

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