Basically a bit rubbish then?
Kinect Adventures RH Numbers Bundled with the hardware, Kinect Adventures is a compilation of minigames intended to introduce players to Kinect's distinct brand of motion-controlled gaming. It's a title developed with the whole family in mind, where children and parents can compete against each other on a level playing …
It's too bad for all the other games.
It's also hard to see where the platform can go from here. The next wave of games are likely to be even more dance / fitness / party titles. Shovelware heaped on shovelware until the entire platform drowns in it.
The biggest issue for kinect is that motion prediction is a hard problem. To reduce lag and increase accuracy, the games are incredibly simplistic in nature - lean left, lean right, jump etc. How much replay value does anyone expect out of a system constrained like that?
That everyone forgets about Minority Report, is that the tracking system was bassed on glowing lights on the ends of hs fingers, making the whole thing far more similar to Move than Kinect.
When even Hollywood thinks your futuristic tech idea won't work properly, you know you've barked up the wrong tree.
Caveat: I haven't used a Kinect, correct me if I'm wrong.
I've got the impression that Kinect - while being technologically superior to Move - is not quite the same thing. There are things you can do with Move that you can't do with Kinect. I don't think Kinect tracks individual fingers, so you can't accurately grab and release an object, which you can do with Move (because it has buttons). I doubt it tracks exact wrist angle and rotation, which Move can do. Can you use it to accurately point and shoot a gun? I don't think so.
All of these are not criticism, just hints that for every soccer and dancing title that cannot be ported to Move because it doesn't track feet, there will probably another Move title that cannot be ported to Kinect because it doesn't have buttons and doesn't track wrists with sub-millimetre accuracy.
Ultimately, it'll be game quality that makes or breaks these platforms.
Tried this last night - easy to setup and the games (at first run through) are fun to play as a family - the sight of my missus playing football against an invisible opponent was enough to keep me chuckling all night.
Only gripe is the amount of space you need - although I hope the Kinect TV mount will make that easier.....when it's finally available to joe public.
Worth the wait in my opinion and my kids love it. That's good enough for me!
The tech works, the games are fun, job done I say.
Kinect Adventures was more engaging than I was expecting though, like all motion/getsure party games, I'm not going to invest Fallout3 levels of game-time in it.
Dance Central though... brilliant.
Kinect is here and it works well. Not all games will be worth buying, but that's the case whatever control method is used, but Dance Central... awesome.