Cameron promises
now, meanwhile in reality land ...........
The Cabinet Office will demand proper transparency from all government departments and move to a "right to data" for the British public. The government, while ensuring national security, "information propriety" and "personal privacy" are protected, will work to release datasets the public wants access to. The Cabinet Office …
For once I perceive a concept along lines of: the nation, country and peoples are far bigger and grander with grandeur over and above that of Government and civil service; and we acknowledge our collective stewardship of managing an entity (a wonderful, beautiful entity of entities, a being of beings) that does not and never will belong to us.
The first hurdle:
professional organisations seeking to protect the interests of its members above all other considerations.
For example, health.
No way will we release the medical records of your XXXX (XXX = daughter, wife, son, father, husband, mother, nephew, ... ) as it may have potential to damage the professional integrity of one of the people involved in a professional capacity.
'The government, while ensuring national security, "information propriety" and "personal privacy" are protected'
In other words there will probably be a whole host of exceptions put in at the bidding of special interests especially rich businessmen who finance the Tories and every Police Force, Security Service and anyone else who doesn't want people to know that they're pi$$ing public money down the drain whilst doing nothing to justify it...
The Home Office promise a fundamental change in the way it views the information it holds?
Does that mean they will stop dodging awkward questions about illegal surveillance scams like Phorm, and StalkStalk, and rejecting requests for disclosure as 'vexatious'?
I do hope so. Tell us more, you bunch of corrupt lying crooks.
Senior civil servants resisted splitting the HO into the HO and the MoJ because "It would not be so interesting to run."
Not the forest has been thinned out a bit it's looking less like the MoJ want that much to do with things than the HO. BTW who does the Serious & Organised Crime Agency come under (responsible for running whatever the IMP is called now and loosing a key memory card full of the details of assorted Latin American drug informants in country full of drug dealers).
You can bet their data (or rather *our* data) will have to be pried from the dead hand of various anonymous but very senior civil servants who will *insist* that mere members of the general public *cannot* be trusted to handle their own data, would not know what to do with it etc etc.
Let's see if he can do what he says.
Apart from the fact the public has a right to see where it's money goes, it also assists in locating where 'bent' RFQ's favour a selected vendor target.
This can result in cost-savings for everyone. It could not have happened under Labour as so much IT work went to favoured supporters.
ACPO, the unregulated, commercial enterprise operated for Chief Plods, by Chief Plods and for Chief Plods that has no oversight controls many database.
One of their favourites is the DNA database part of which was declared illegal by the EU. Go and close that Cameron!