and the run(ning) continues
PFY been a bit too smart this time ...... or too many largers in the planning.
nearly a coffee moment.
Bot Wars IV - The Screenplay [Black Screen] Several screens of multi-coloured static flash by before the words: INITIAL TESTS INDICATE UNIT OK appear in large tasteless block letters on the screen. Another burst of static crowds the screen before a Camera image appears with the top half of the PFY’s upside-down face …
Cliffhangers like this are just unfair!
Don't sell the film-rights, Simon, well, not for too little anyway. This will make a great flick - character development, Frankenstein's monsters, general mayhem and desctruction of office furniture and fittings. Just make it gratuitous.
Could we have a bloody massacre, I mean a recycling, of some marketing types please?
.. depends on whether production companies bite. I love this story!
Alt-Tab to Series_2_episode_1.doc
I'm working (with Simon's agreement) on a series of BOFH TV scripts and I'm trying to find a producer for them. I don't want to say too much at this stage, but I hope if it does take off, BOFH aficionados won't be disappointed.
Having said that, I've deliberately avoided too much gratuitous violence. After the first couple of instances, it actually gets boring. There's only so much mileage in Arsenic and Old Lace. It's far more intimidating to show things that downtrodden IT people could actually do without landing themselves in the slammer.
But chainsaw-wielding robots hunting the management... oh, yes.