Be quiet McNealy
You ran the company into the ground.
You should be too ashamed to even leave your house.
Former Sun Microsystems chief and co-founder Scott McNealy has re-appeared to champion open source and rough up billionaire Larry Ellison, the man who bought his baby. Speaking at PostgreSQL West 2010, McNealy urged devs to drive adoption of their database against Oracle's proprietary products and MySQL by working with other …
Bill Gates = return of the nerds
Steve Jobs = valedictorian...met Larry Ellison a few times
Steve Balmer = the pain in the ass kid everyone cant stand enough though he tries so hard
Scott McNealy= Scooter the goofy kid that dresses up as goofy for halloween and doesn't realize how true it is
Jonathan Schwartz = the wanna be nerd, wanna be business person, wanna be success, but really just a suck up who doesn't see the bigger picture
Mark Hurd - the kid who gets all the copies for the tests, plays tennis and has a few girls on the side
Larry Ellison = Devil "Steve Jobs is my best friend...did I mention that Steve Jobs is my best friend?"
thank you for your time,
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All it says is you're not allowed to enslave the end-users with your work. It is OK if you want to lock them in, twist their arm and squeeze their wallet, just don't use free software for that. Pick any proprietary license like others do.
Oh, and for me as an end-user, I certainly want that MY information remains free at least for myself if not for others. Even if this is crap for you, I don't want anybody to put a lock on my own data.
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Well, if supporting OpenSource is so great why didn't he put his money where his mouth is when he was at the helm?
Why didn't he support MySQL instead of aquiring it? Why didn't he support Postgres consistently (and not just on occasions reversing the support policy more than twice in 10 years)? Why didn't he support Quagga consistently instead of hiring firing developers working on it depending on his agenda at the time? Why didn't he... I can continue with a long list of open source projects on which Sun has done a volte-face at least twice in the last 10 years and under his management before the chaos of Schwarz.
As my dad used to say (with a fake german accent): Less schprehen, more arbeiten.
Put your money where your mouth is Scott. While I am not a Larry fan by no means, the man has to be given credit where he deserves it - he DOES put his money where his mouth is.
Postgres has come on leaps and bounds in the last few years but still failed to get the media attention it arguably deserves. So very nice to see El Reg covering Pg West. And, whatever one thinks about McNealy (in my view it was his successor who made the really odd business decisions), he's certainly headline and I'm guess that many former customers will listen to what he says.
Back to Postgres: Enterprise DB's Oracle compatible version is fantastic for customers wanting to escape the kraken without too much pain. The MySQL migration tool looks quite good as well - need to give it a spin with a customers database to see how it fares - and is bound to reassure existing MySQL customers who may be looking to jump ship. Not that you need "Postgres Plus" for serious development but it is important to know that professional support is available if desired. I can't help thinking that the permissive BSD licence helps here: no lawyers required.
Gripe about McNealy driving Sun into the ground if you like, but if you use OpenOffice, NFS or any number of other common technologies you have him to thank.
Larry is in it for Larry. He's systematically stomping out the good (don't deny it, Sun did lots of good) done by Sun and all that will be left is his locked-down versions of mySQL, Java and Solaris. Larry is evil. Filthy stinking rich, but totally evil.
You need an evil Larry icon.
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And where would be the fun in that, Sunshiner? So much more fun to expose fools like yourself - do you actually have any opinion on the matter in hand? Do you think McNeedy should be listened to with caution, ignored, or his every word taken as some IT gospel? Do you think his previous poor relationship with the Linux community should be taken into account when he champions OSS? Come on, just try and post something that a five-year-old couldn't top for a change.
So, all of a sudden, Scotty loves OSS? Was he wearing the penguin suit again? Yes, those that laughed at his rediculous flip-flops over Linux will see this for EXACTLY what it really is - McNeedy has some short-term scheme that he thinks will make money for McNeedy and Co, and that is the ONLY reason for his sudden infatuation with PostgresSQL. As soon as his latest scheme falls flat on its face he'll be back to hating OSS again.
How do you know McNeedy's talking utter and complete male bovine manure? Easy, it's when his lips are moving.
... they should start first delivering a database that could actually do what Oracle does. Unless you have very basic needs (and probably you're not using Oracle already) or use your database just like a data dump, there's a lot you can do with Oracle that databases like Postgres can only dream of. C'mon, Postgres still lacks properly LOB support, and wants to compete with Oracle? Look at poor-man-partitioning in Postgres, and its backup facilities for large, complex databases? Who cares if it is open source, I am not going to implement LOB support or many other advanced features myself, I have no problem to buy then from someone who spend the time and the money to implement them - and like me many others users who runs databases that do more than support a web site. Postgres competitors are MySQL, Firebird and SQLite, not Oracle.
Unless many OS project don't understand they shoud be market-drive and not developer's whims-and-dreams-driven, they won't go far and they will keep on being surprised why people keep on using the most powerful products, although proprietary and expensive.