HA ha ha haha Ha!
Oh my, I'm laughing so hard I'm weeping. Schadenfreude? A bit. But mainly, the kind of "told you so" encapsulated by Santayana's "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
What Foley really needs to do is have a secret division that teaches a course on "What Microsoft has done to others (in the past) they will do to you (and sooner than you know)" and with so many possible examples, they could teach that course three years in a row without repeating.
C'mon, remember OS/2? One columnist/author was so revolted by Microsoft's treachery he swore he would never write about their software again. Strange he had to crawl back and continue lapping up the squeezings?
Remember the Win95 launch video? I know someone personally shafted by Microsoft because his company didn't think to *require* extensive mention of company name in their demo segment of the video. There went Win95 tooling down the road in his convertible sports car, wowing everyone with the drawing from his daughter showing up on the printer in the front seat. Oh, and his company went down a quite different road, to Flushville.
Microsoft simply cannot be trusted. #1 because they are total mercenaries. #2 because they are (very often) completely clueless. The result is that you only think they are fighting alongside you, you then find their sword inside you. Or find that you were simply cannon-fodder.
Trust only the product in front of you. Use it only if it is useful to you. If you depend on anything promised for the future, you'll be history sooner or later.