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Lord Vader is non-voting technical adviser....
Chip colossus Intel has unveiled its vision for the future of corporate IT. In a global announcement today the company took the wraps off the Open Data Centre Alliance, to which $50bn-pa-worth of CIOs are already signed up and to which Intel has been appointed "non-voting technical advisor". Intel architecture bigwig Boyd …
The "Cloud" is fundamentally a software solution. Software has never been one of intels strong points. They have built an empire around the x86 processor but a lot of what they do outside of that comfort zone has been mediocre to say the least. Most of their software products have been less than well received.
What importance the actual processor has in a cloud scenario is highly debatable.
I have no idea what they actually bring to the table. Microsoft would on the face of it be a more suitable choice for "Technical advisor".
seeing all these big named corporations lining up to get some say in a vendor agnostic cloud makes me wonder why they don't put some money into open office, k office, linux, the bsd, etc.
These are the guys with cash and they could have excellent software at a very small cost to themselves. It would only require at little thought, foresight, and honesty.
I realize that the last is the downfall of that plan.