back to article BlackBerry App World goes online

RIM has opened an online portal for BlackBerry users who want to browse for apps on a larger screen, as the company moves to better emulate its hero Apple. The BlackBerry store may not be bursting at the seams, but while RIM claims it has no interest in filling the shelves with tat it would still like to copy the rest of Apple …


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  1. Richard Lloyd

    Link to the app world Web site would have been nice!

    Neither the article nor the link to the instructions in the article actually bothered to include the URL of the app world Web site. To save you searching for it, here it is:

    The free stuff looks pretty wretched to me - I bet all the decent stuff costs money...

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Blackberry Appworld

    Blackberry has had an online Appworld for months. This can hardly be called "news".

  3. Anonymous Coward

    Tech journos

    At first journos howl how the rest of the market is NOT aping Apple, then they howl that the rest of the market IS aping Apple. Make up your damn minds!

    1. Trevor_Pott Gold badge


      ...the market *is* apeing Apple. Apple however are aping the open source community who had the "app store" idea long before.

      I am sure they are apeing some predecessor I am missing.

      Or maybe multiple people had the same idea independently (and possibly) concurrently? Or maybe some combination thereof, with independent idea development occurring side-by-side with “observing the competition, mimicking that which works and improving or jettisoning that which doesn’t?” Probably with a dollop of “ensuring you don’t violate any patents in the process” and “paying some Bright Folks to come up with a new angle to differentiate our entry into this increasingly required feature/market?”

      Of course, given that any journalist is length-constrained in what they write…all of the above probably would be bad to include in an article. Yes, even online they reign us in. Apparently, if the articles are more than one page, you “reader”-type folks don’t often click through to additional pages! That leads to shortcuts and some brutal editing-for-length.

      Of itself, that’s maybe not a bad thing. Seriously, in order to keep up with the pedants around here every article would have to be written like a legal document. Eleventy squillion different footnotes and addendums combined with a density of detail that would make an average reader's eyes water.

      All of that gets mixed up with the fact that different journalists have different opinions and viewpoints that get expressed in their writing! Suddenly, different opinions! Everywhere!

      OH NOES!

      Whatever will we do?

      Badgers. For the hell of it.

  4. TeeCee Gold badge

    Enterprise App Store.

    Presumably much the same as an ordinary App store, only instead of fart apps there are copious utilities designed to help you talk out of your own arse.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Pain in the arse

    The "updated" app world is a pain. You can't download an app, even a free app, without creating an ID and logging in.

    You didn't need an account with AppWorld version 1.0. Version 2.0 doesn't offer any advantages (though I suppose the minimum price has come down), so why do I need to log in?

  6. JaitcH

    Quality Apps, not quantity is key

    There is a need for quality Apps, rather than the childish claim that someone has more Apps than another. What's the point is a so-called app can only wobble graphical breasts or emit electronically emulated flatulence sounds.

    A few thousand solid Apps is well worth more to RIM users that 200,000 or so dumb ones.

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