No way.
Tesco has become the latest supplier to price up Samsung's Galaxy Tab, due to go on sale on 1 November. Tesco Tab The grocer wants £529 for the 7in, Android 2.2-based tablet with 2.4GHz 802.11n Wi-Fi, 3G, Bluetooth and GPS, the same price Apple wants for the 9.7in iPad with those same connectivity and navigation features. …
Got any links or names for better Android tablets? Serious question - I fully intend to buy a 7" tablet, and if there is something better than the Galaxy Tab around, please do point me in the right direction!
I'm not interested in something not quite as good but cheaper (Viewsonic), or not quite as good but bigger (iPad) - 7" is the size and more importantly weight-class I want, and I'm looking for the best, not the cheapest.
sorry, one of the big -ve for the iPad was its size. it is actually a little too big (and heavy!) for its purpose (IMHO). 7 inch is a better formfactor.
however, yes, there are plenty of cheap (80 quid to 160 quid) Android tablets on the market (look on amazon! wowser!) - yet, those ALL have cheap resistive screens...so no multitouch etc
in the end, its smaller (and in tesco words, 'every little helps') but, even with SD card and cameras, its just a little too much. 300-400 quid would probably make it a very tough temptation to avoid.
Missing the point entirely.
1058 Tesco club points is the equivalent of like, 49.8Bill pounds, the equivalent of the UK budget on education.
Now, to put it bluntly, I'm as thick as sh++, but I'm not fuck+++ stupid.
Bet the queues at Tesco's for this are longer than your penis, so what does that say about Tesco's or if I really cared, about the size of your penis.