If they only...
... sell 410,9999 will that be classed as a loss?
Apple's 11.6in MacBook Air will be the most popular model of the company's new skinny laptop line-up, which, in toto, will amount to 17 per cent of Apple's Mac sales in the current quarter. So says one Mingchi Kuo, head of investment house Concord Securities research team, according to a report from Chinese-language paper …
...by all those highly-paid analysts (guessers, to you & me) who will use it to predict the total collapse of Apple, Western Democracy and the arrival of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.
This will of course, be accompanied by cackles of glee from those whose sole raison d'etre appears to be to heap invective upon Apple & Mac users - that is, when they're not cleaning the flecks of spittle from their screens, or mopping up the dribble from their keyboards...
You could say that about any apple product, except perhaps some of the cheaper ipod family. And apple seem to sell a good few laptops/computers, don't they?
Do all people drive a bottom of the range car? Equally, they do the same basic job, drive you to where you are going.
So, what exactly is your point.
First there was Lemon 4, then out came a tablet followed by various audio blings to hand around their necks and now a skinny laptop?
Either iPhans are bankers with large bonuses, or have a corporate sugar daddy, but most people in the US don't have this amount of discretionary income.
It might be better for them to await vapourware Lion to actually materialise to see if it functions before laying the plastic down.
While some people can afford to buy everything apple release most people will have bought one device or the other based on what they needed. Also, what do you mean by vapourware Lion? It's only just been announced, maybe you should look up the definition of vapourware.