Article translation
For those who don't read Spanish, below is my own translation.
"A Very Light Flight"
On 23rd October, a paper airplane constructed in the locality of Los Narros, will launch from Peña Negra to take pictures that will be broadcast in England.
The next 23rd of October, a paper airplane, constructed in its entirety in the Abulense locality of Los Narros, will take off from Peña Negra, in Piedrahíta, carrying on board sophisticated photography equipment programmed to take instant pictures of our fields every four seconds from the sky.
The plane, which has been christened "Vulture 1", is approximately 1.10 meters long by .50 meters wide, and weighs around 500 grams. The estimated height of flight will be around 20,000 meters.
To get to this altitude, a weather balloon will serve as carrier; though it is of note to mention that the balloon is set to self-destroy after climbing by itself once the airplane is released. Before this, it will also release a box containing more cameras, and some video recording equipment. The released box will descend with the help of a parachute, and a ground crew will follow the plane using a GPS and radio system while another team will follow the falling box with similar equipment. The flight of both pieces is estimated to cover, prior to landing, a 50 Km radius from the peak of Peña Negra.
The English team of The Register ( through their correspondent Lester Haines, published a few months ago the flight of another weather balloon that had been launched from England; the idea stuck with their readers, and through e-mails and SMS, they convinced The Register to endeavor on a similar project.
The project has been christened with the name PARIS.
The development and assemblage of the airplane has been done completely in the locality of Los Narros, very close to El Barco de Avila; although for technical reasons, some hipobaric tests have been performed in London.
What's expected from this project conceived by Lester Haines, correspondent of The Register in Spain and resident of Los Narros; is to obtain a wide collection of aerial photographs and video clips of the region to offer their readers throughout the entire world. Haines, who specialises in Science topics, lives for the past six years in El Barco de Avila locality and has dedicated countless hours to complete the preparations for this flight. "My intention is to promote the rural areas to prevent their gradual depopulation."