Jobs has a point about...
The question is: Who's "fragmented" and who's "integrated"?
"Fragmentation" is an issue, but for the err.. more enlightened(?) users, it's really usually only a minor one.
it's like desktop OS's... Apple only has to cater for a certain hardware subset on the desktop. M$ and GNU/linux etc have to cater for nearly everything else. But, we've been doing that for _YEARS_.
We'll get round that if they don't tie our hands behind our back. Honestly, If that were our only problem, we're home free.
The problem, imho, with android devices as we have seen most starkly recently with the G2 is lockdown. Although google purports to have an open source OS, telcos and device manufacturers still have the option of making life quite difficult for the more inquisitive user.
Google in my mind, would have to balance appeasing the likes of us end users and the likes of the open handset people. Whom do you think they listen to?
However, as long as there are android devices out there that are still hackable to the point I still have some degree of reasonable control over, it will be the platform of my choice.
We'll see what Maemo Meego thingo wotsit will bring.. but the fact that it's still not here apart from on a n900 is a bit worrying. I wonder how much lockdown such devices will eventually have.
Why why why why why lock down devices? Just bill us for bits transmitted and keep it at that.