Pointless comparison
Comparing the SSD speed to a 7200 RPM drive is like comparing the speed at which your horse drinks petrol with a car.
Compare the ST32000641AS (which claims 600MB/s) with this SSD.
As the SSD claimed "twice as fast", it must surely be doing 1.2GB/s over an interface that only does 4.8Gb/s (note little and big B's)
Even Sandforce SSDs are only doing around 300MB/s.
(Yes I know sustained transfer rates will be significantly lower for the spinning disk but maybe I'm only interested in small data bursts, maybe that's how my application works. Who knows...)
Come the Reg, we're all techy types, you can't get away with this sort of vague hand waving lack of facts/figures. Find out how fast it is for us please. That's what journalism is about, asking questions that people don't want to answer. (As opposed to regurgitating marketing BS, which is more like advertising than "journalising")