So he withdrew just in time.....
...presumably decided he'd bitten off more than he could chew!
I'll get my coat... it's a rubber mac!
A Vermont man has dropped a lawsuit he filed which claimed he had bitten into a Burger King Whopper and found himself chewing an unwrapped condom. Van Miguel Hartless said he bought the Southwestern Whopper from a Burger King in Rutland, Vermont, in 2007. Instead of succulent meat, crispy lettuce and tangy southwestern sauce …
Something to do with the Streisand Effect, perhaps?
He probably doesn't have any money to pay damages. They might be able to discourage similar claims in the future by causing him a lot of hassle, but it's unlikely to outweigh the cost of continuing bad publicity. The fact that he didn't win anything should be fairly discouraging to other would-be claimants.
"Pussi" is Finnish for bag/container. Check the link. Sheesh, are you an Etthex lass, by any remote chance??
Sod my guts, it's that time of the month again (i.e., about a week before payday, and the bills are littering the toilet floor, so at least there's loo-paper---...)
"He might not have been able to penetrate the tight pussi* in which the said wubbery item was allegedly cunningly delivered.
One wonders - some assume it was meat-burger. Personally, a fishburger might.......Oh, Sod this, it won't get past Ms. Bee anyway.
" 'Pussi' is Finnish for bag/container"
Huh. Funny you mention that, 'cause just the other day I was wondering where the, um, other meaning of that word originated (didn't figure proper dictionaries would have it, so didn't bother to look). So maybe it's from the Finnish then. Kind of makes sense if one thinks about it.
Must be *some* other reason than cats - as a straight girl I haven't spent a great deal of time looking at female anatomy other than what I see in the full-length mirror but I've never seen anything down there that reminded me even remotely of a cat (perhaps I have no imagination), so the word must have come from something else. Even my occasionally stumbling into hardcore porn sites hasn't revealed anything in that region of the female body that reminds me of a cat. So the Finnish thing that the poster mentions seems plausible.
I read someplace years ago that the unprintable "c" word originated from some other foreign word meaning "knowledge" or "wisdom" or something like that... dunno if that's right, but it wouldn't be surprising. Meanings get changed over the years - something that started out as good or neutral, ends up with a different meaning.
How about beaver?
It seems to me that people make up code words for things that are not considered polite to name (how many names can you come up with for penis?). So you will hear kids say poo or wiener for example. Over time some of the code words become even worse then the proper name (like your "c" word) and a new code word is created. The origins of some are clear like wiener for example. Others may be lost over time or be obscure (like the Bulgarian airbags reference you sometimes see around here).
I wondered if it came from an old sailing knot. 'c'splice - I'm NOT posting the link, but google will help you out. But that mightn't be the origin of the original*. (I love origin of words, but origins of Finnish ones seem to be based on a tipped-out bag of Scrabbe pieces, landing in random order....) Finnis equiv. is "Vittu", which is used instead of fuc*k. Not considered as impolite. My teacher uses it all the time.
* I'm applying for a job in the UK parliament. I want to be the Minister of Tautology and Repetition. (Thanks, Wasko!)