If fb and Skype do this...
Then you can expect msoft to become the biggest telco on the planet. Unfortunately, since ms and advert cos are scraping data, it's not unreasonable to presume that ms will gain or at least be able to "sanitize" and cross-reference evern more people.
I can see ms wet dreaming and rubbing palms frenetically over this. SOME governments will want to block this, since Skype theoretically has the most unbreakable encryption in communications. Adding this to ms might make it easier for SOME law enforcement and advert companies to consolidate profiles-to-persons-of-interes, but other governments will want to block it.
OTOH, if fb & Skype marry up, and if ms buys both (and gets to keep them w/o legislative/regulatory opposition), then Linux and OpenSource may suddenly find themselves with inferior or no Skype tools of worth.