I am surprised
that nobody else has reported antenna problems on the 3GS, similar to the 4.
After 3 months of having this Jobsian controlled handset, which is beginning to really annoy me, low and behold i find that whenever i pick it up in this admittedly, weak signal village, the reception falls off to zero with the resulting loss of service notice.
Put it down and suddenly.....3 bars again. And i'm talking leaning on a bar here so you can imagine how far the phone is moved between picking it up and laying it down.
Of course, i have no scientific evidence, but 2 and 2 has always been 4 and the iphone, at least the 3GS and the 4 BOTH have problems with antennas and how you hold it.
I really do regret not buying an Android machine. The HTC Legend would appear to be miles in front of it.