back to article Microsoft lays virtualisation beta egg

Microsoft spun out a public beta of its Enterprise Desktop Virtualisation (MED-V) 2.0 software yesterday. The company said that large businesses could migrate from Windows XP to Windows 7 in a virtualised hen house using the MED-V tool. It might be expected the tool works for Windows Vista - it's just that we can't find any …


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  1. andy gibson

    Its not just about "legacy applications"

    But more about the cost of replacing a perfectly working PC to one which will run Windows 7.

  2. Dave Murray Silver badge


    And this is different from XP mode how?

  3. Test Man

    This is for the enterprise

    So comes with far more customisability.

  4. Bibbleq


    Med-v allows central management of the XP environment rather than XP mode that is individual XP installs.

    E.g with Med-v you can update the XP application on your main image, then all workstations will pick up the changes next time them turn on. You can also manage which users see what icons etc...

  5. Joel Osborn
    Thumb Down

    Not for everyone

    Companies wanting to use this have to have an Enterprise Agreement with Microsoft. You can't just buy it off the shelf or even with a Select Agreement.

    More's the pity. We could have used this. We'll have to look at other vendor's solutions for this.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    And exactly...

    what does App-V do, Xen App do and their nemesis VMware with ThinApp..? Run legacy apps?

    Am I missing something.....

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