Dear me...
Slag it off all you like, but get your facts right first doofus...
Me: "Is there an app for playing flash videos like on YouTube?"
Mac Clerk: "Yes, there's an app for that (tm). That'd be the 'YouTube app' that is part of iOS."
Me: "Can I debug my website's javascript?"
Mac Clerk: "Yes, there's an app for that (tm). There are several ways that this can be achieved. Bugaboo for instance is available free of charge in the app store." [2]
Me: "Can I run Firefox, since it has my life's worth of bookmarks and stuff?"
Mac Clerk: "Yes, there's an app for that (tm). It's called Firefox Home and it is available for free on the App Store. " [3]
Me: "Can I at least get a p0rn app so I have something enteraining to do with this stupid device?"
Mac Clerk: "No you freakin' pervert! Hey everyone, this guy want's to watch porn on his phone! What a weirdo! Dude, you need some help. Try playing games instead..."