Obvious game for the kindle ... text display based, keyboard input, doesn't need a particularily fast display update.
A web interface might be the easy way to get text adventures onto the Kindle, but those on the plane can now go native too. Last week we celebrated the availability of Zork (I, II & III) on Amazon‘s Kindle, but lamented the fact that it was a web interface when a local application would be so much more elegant - well, we …
Nethack is definitely doable, but there isn't a Java port so it would have to be a compiled binary exposed through a Java GUI.
I'm not sure if Kindlets are allowed to call random binary programs or use JNI; I suspect not. This is obviously not a problem for rooted devices as you can just change what they're allowed to do.
However, KIF as it is would be runnable on a non-rooted device, except for the signatures.
>Scrabble (with the latter limited to Americans)
Whats the point in Americans playing Scrabble? - they change words around so much from proper English that it might as well count as cheating.
Though I guess if the US version was more like 'Scrabble for chavs' (tm) it might make sense - no words more that two syllables, and the spelling is secondary to pronunciation.
Ok, ok, mines the flame-proof one!
The whole *reason* for American spelling is to allow higher point scores in Scrabble. Well known fact. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Actually, given that the British word list for Scrabble is more permissive than the American word list (see *Word Freak*, by Stephan Fatsis), I don't see that you have anything to complain about.