I liked this one
“No, I’m pretty sure you don’t work for the company,” the PFY says, tapping away furiously on his keyboard. “What’s up?” I ask, as the PFY mutes the phone while the bloke on the other end has some form of protracted verbal seizure. “That idiot from accounts who wanted us to pick up the bill for his home broadband has got a …
Hmm got to love it, PFY and BOFH in full flow, the erm sorry who did they say they were again the boss, can't be, I'd see it come up on the system. I guess not.. Security we have people in the building claiming to be the Boss and various IT people, they aren't in the HR database or in the system anywhere could you kindly deal with them.. You are authorised to use any means required..
“So you told him to get stuffed, right?”
“Sure did. So then he got his boss on the phone...”
“And you told him to get stuffed too, right?”
“Yep, and then he got his boss on the phone...”
“And you told him to get stuffed as well, right?”
“You bet. And then he got our boss on the phone...”
“And you definitely told him to get stuffed, right?”
“I did....
Of course this is a mere skirmish in a small battle
in a campaign the script for which
the PFY is still furiously entering !
10 on the guffometer !
Many places won't be able to pay you if you don't have all the details couple of days before pay day, let alone none existing staff. The HR process would take at least a week or two.
But lusers never learn. It is not good idea to wage war with BOFH.
The company would do better without few of those clueless managers for sure.
Excellent, gave me the warm fuzzies for the old days when the BOFH was tormenting students and faculty staff.
"Huh?... I'd used 4 Meg already, How could I have 4 Meg Available?"
I say nothing. It'll come to him.
Enquiring minds need to know though, do the BOFH and PFY contract? I know a company that could use their talents