Bill Gates stated recently that "He Likes The Job That Steve Is Doing".
Bill Gates stated recently that "He Likes The Job That Steve Is Doing".
1. That statement proves that Bill Gates doesn't care what happens to the company anymore since he has already cashed out.
2. Steve Ballmer still has the Polaroids of the intimate encounters he must have had with Bill Gates when they were back in collage together.
I mean, how in the hell could any rationally minded person possibly approve of the direction Steve Ballmer has taken Microsoft?
Microsoft is nothing more than a laughingstock.
Something to ridicule and make fun of.
What's left of the formally mighty Micorsoft is a operating system that really isn't all that good compared to Mac OS or Linux Mint and a gaming console.
Does anyone with any common sense take anything that Microsoft promotes seriously anymore?
I fully expect them to start suing everyone for everything in the near future as an act of desperation to remain reliant but they will ultimately fail as all companies who use the Machiavellian principles as their business model eventually do.