I can guess what the C stands for.
As AC put, it, the cities cannot survive without the countryside and visa versa. So live with it. To be honest, I am quite glad you live in the city, because our village has enough arseholes as it it.
The reasons it is BT arse gravy, is because, and I don't know whether you noticed this, but the article was about a BT run scheme. If any of the other Telcos had announced the same scheme, I would have said exactly the same them.
And, just for laughs, I pay more tax than you (probably), why shouldn't I get the same level of service for my tax pound? Or should people in the countryside get discounts on tax (Council, income, petrol) because they get less services. Would you be happy for that to happen?
And just for the final nail, I live in Cambridgsehire, which contains Cambridge, one of the most high tech cities the UK. Not the arse end of no-where. And my village isn't eligible either.