come on, theres gotta be a few puns involving hard drives and RAID ! :-)
Brass-necked thieves stole 10,800 Western Digital disk drives from Kuala Lumpur international airport on Sunday by simply driving away a lorry. According to the New Straits Times the eight-tonne lorry, loaded with 524 boxes of drives worth about 1.7 million Singapore dollars, was parked in a forwarding agent's area in the …
If they we're smart, hadn't got caught, they'd be heading for the stock exchange next, looking for high speed fiber connections, a couple of hookers, a bag of dope, and some creative monetary python scripting.
1.7Mil ain't nothing compared to the "legal theft" happening around the world.
What was that sound? Oh yeah 10 mil siphoned off 100 mil in two minutes.
Your comment comes the day after i spend the entire day chasing the parts needed to make a serial cable to communicate with and debrick a seagate 7200.11 drive thanks to seagate's wonderful firmware bug.
Unfortunately the bricked drive belonged to my best friends mother, so the work was pro bono, including the cost of the parts...
Long live Western Digital!!
It took them two hours to realise an entire truck was missing in an environment where the keys are obviously easily accessible?
And this obviously makes it an inside job? A casual passer-by could have done it.
I know it *was* an inside job, but the point is, with that lax security, what were they expecting?
That sounds like retail price. At that point in the distribution chain I'd be surprised if they were worth more than £10 each.
It's like when the customs nab a drug smuggler with £1000 worth of cocaine and it morphs into a "street value" of £1 million.
Paris, 'cos even she would be able to do the math (sic).