Office 2011
Running it already and I have to say I quite like it. There's a limit to just how excited I can get over office productivity software but from the (small) use of it so far, it looks good.
Microsoft will release Office for Mac 2011 on 26 October, after shipping the software to manufacturers earlier this month. Apple fans can start pre-ordering the suite of productivity apps from today via, Microsoft said. The vendor also got a bit overexcited in the upcoming release about two new features it hadn’t …
What, like the intrusive Ribbon that replaced perfectly serviceable menus? And I laughed when I read the official MS line on why the Office Button blinks: "The blinking is a "look at me/click here" feature, because many people think that the button looks like a decorative logo, rather than a button to click to see commands."
It's been a long while since one can be the first in the company to get the new version, send its totally incompatible documents to one's colleagues, and have them ask about it. How cool is that?
And, imagine, being the one that forces the entire organization to upgrade to the version for no good reason other than to able to read each other's docs should send shivers of triumph into any white collar worker! Seldom does a minion have such significance!
M$ laughs all the way to the bank, yet again, with its latest lipstick on the same pig.
Why is it that the mac version of powerpoint is always more powerful and useful than the pc version? Particularly when it comes to doing anything clever with videos or even transparency in pictures. If you want high quality, use a mac, if you are just a push for this hideous pre made template type - then pc is fine.
“Full Screen view which has two views: one optimised for writing and the other for reading. Allowing you to block out the distractions and focus on putting your idea on paper,”
What? You mean that the irritating smug little tossers sitting in Starbucks "writing a novel" will actually finish the turgid tripe and have to feck off somewhere else instead?
I see MS are still having trouble with their dollar to sterling conversion software.
$279 = £270?? My arse it does, even taking into account taxes, shipping, etc, etc. It's not even as if they've put themselves to the trouble and expense of translating it into proper English.
Still, if people are so foolish as to be ripped off by such actions, why should I care?
I do, though, miserable old sod that I am.
Since when is the Ribbon Controversial? Of course we all know that if even a single OSX user finds the Office Ribbon useful, the world will end, so I see why an iDrone would have some apprehension about it.
I sure am glad it's getting panned even before anyone gets to try it for themselves.
As a PC (work) and Mac (home) user I continue to consider the ribbon a dubious benefit. Yes, I'll probably upgrade, as working regularly on two very different interfaces is confusing. However, the ribbon:
- moves a lot of functions away from their old groupings
- means extra mouse clicks to achieve a lot of things
- breaks a lot of keyboard shortcuts
- takes up a lot of screen real estate (auto hide is annoying), particularly on a laptop screen
I don't where people got off on bitching about the Ribbon. I expected to hate it, but very quickly found it to be big improvement on what went before.
I've finally settled into Ubuntu after many, many failed attempts at leaving Windows - it's that good now - but OpenOffice has yet to replace MS Office for me. Open Office is still nowhere as good as MS Office. And on Ubuntu Office runs faster under WINE than it did on Vista. Go figure.
Powerpoint? How can one care strongly about anything that PowerPoint does? Why? It's one of the more drippy, minimally functional apps invented.