No one really knows.
While radar is definitely harmful, I am less certain about UHF devices that are not directional.
A mobile phone may not have enough energy content to cause any significant thermal injury but accumulated long term exposure is uncertain. Microwaves are non-ionizing but they can transfer heat. There have been theories (not proven as far as I know) of dysfunction of various enzymatic systems but I do not recall exact details.
I wouldn't want to live beside a microwave mast though. A mobile phone's microwave power output is limited to the battery. A mast...
Remember we are only now living in a time where microwaves are close intimate and everywhere. 20 years ago this was not the case. It may not be a serious a threat as ionizing radiation the likes of whom Marie Curie found out not too long after but remember it took a while for her to get sick.
Look up the WHO recommended microwave exposure levels. It's on their website. Yes. someone at the WHO was sufficiently concerned to look into it. Bottom line: No one knows. We know radar is harmful, but less focused microwaves? Who knows.
*** If we are to see any health effects, epidemiologist are going to be waiting a while.
I would NOT however like to be one of the sick that they study and if I can perfectly live my life far away from a mast with minimal use of microwave transmitters, so be it.
If you want to camp beside a microwave transmitter mast and say it's all right be my guest.
Would you still want to bring up your children dancing around one of those now that you've heard my side of the story?
(Remember people thought cigarette smoking was once harmless, in fact good for you.)