This guy...
...is what the verb "pwnd" was invented for.
A computer programmer has been convicted of unleashing crippling attacks on rollingstone.com and other websites after they published a humiliating account of him engaging in an adulterous online affair with a fictitious woman. Bruce Raisley, 49, was found guilty of a single count of launching a malicious program that infected …
If the sentence was mostly for infecting 100,000 machines then OK, I get it - it's probably the equivalent of the time people like me had to spend troubleshooting and cleaning the machines of their less computer savvy friends and families... that's a trail of destruction that deserves revenge.
...but if it was for the Rolling Stone attack, f'ing come on now! People get less time for rape or other *real* attacks against *real* people/property.
Why does every computer hacking, fraud or other type of computer related criminal case end up in New Jersey? I know that Jersey is considered to be New York's garbage can, but is it like the dumping ground for the whole eastern seaboard?
If thats the case, no wonder New jersey natives who come to Arizona never admit where their from, it all makes sense now...
Or a sweaty sock or throw a shoe at them...
The original poster may have been suggesting that the pillocks needed some form of creative instant response along the lines of a punch in the mouth. Or may be he was advocating violence?
I know this goes against the dictum 'that revenge is a dish best tasted cold' but if you are going to take revenge (and the thrust of Raisley's offence wasn't revenge on von Erck) then do something that isn't criminal or don't get caught.
The marriage would have been just as destroyed had it been a real woman not a faked id... No-one forced the guy to indulge in an on-line relationship and abandon his marriage: his own little ego, lust and hormones are entirely responsible. Sure he gains extra humiliation because the person who was proposing to junk his wife for didn't exist, but I can't see it changes the betrayal of the wife...
Girls: would it make it better or worse if the slimy sob that walked out on you did so for a fake? Obviously better from the point of view that he looks like a complete idiot as well as a cheater, but is the effect on your feelings any different?
Anon, because I don't want to be next on his hitlist!
Which points to the man having bragged in the past about getting away with things or wanting to start up a private online affair. How else could his partner have known the perfect attack vector? The only people who can ever set out to ruin someone's marriage are the two spouses, it's not an outside party's fault if one wants to give in to temptation.
I wouldn't expect something this tawdry and sleazy from the pervertedjustice fellas. Bravo.
There are 3 kinds of people, those who can count, and those who can't...
Actually there are 2 kinds of people, those who hold themselves to a higher standard, and because of that feel they are entitled to organize a sting for everybody else.
And those who hold themselves to a higher standard and think this should show in their actions.
And then there are those who don't hold themselves to a higher standard. Oh wait...
"There are 3 kinds of people, those who can count, and those who can't...
Actually there are 2 kinds of people, those who hold themselves to a higher standard, and because of that feel they are entitled to organize a sting for everybody else..."
Our main weapon is fear -- fear and surprise... our two main weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency -- THREE... our THREE main weapons are fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope...
"When Raisley was eventually persuaded to leave his wife and begin a new life with his online lover,"
He must have been so proud of himself, posing as kids on line to trap potential kiddiefiddlers -- then fell for the same sort of trick.
solarian-- yup 'pwnd ' is spot on. Somehow there is an air of arrogance detected, a wee bit of 'holier than thou' from the guy.
...so why didn't he just sue Von Erck for damages? The guy destroyed his family and committed acts of online fraud etc. Surely a half decent lawyer would have cleaned out Von Erck financially and had him doing a bit of community service. Justice.
Agreed that prison time for online crimes is getting silly and disproportionate. A few clicks, copying some files and a bit of downtime can get you longer in jail than if you beat up dozens of pensioners or tortured, raped and murdered someone. A year of terrorising their community and all most yobs get is an ASBO. This is ridiculous. Tabloid-led justice and the sort of thing you get when members of the judiciary are elected. They abuse the legal system, treating the judicial process as a part of their re-election campaign.
It happens here too, which is worrying. You expect such lunacy from America, but you'd hope for better over here.
It just has everything, vigilantes, pron, life destroying Internet sock puppetry, CERT pwnage. When does the movie come out ?
On a more human note, ten years ? Seriously ? And as for Von Erck, well, turnabout is fair play. It's two AM, the cops are at your door, do you know what's on YOUR hard drive ?
What a pure unmitigated bastard of a man.
These worthless examples of humanity clearly all deserve each other. Merely glancing at 'perverted justice' and 'to catch a predator' tells me all I need to know to determine that I don't want to know anymore. Let them keep their sordid lives to themselves.
The guy who did it is sentenced to 10 years in prison for it. That's the headline for the article. He is going up for hacking their computers, not being an idiot. The idiot part is what makes the story interesting. If you send up people for stealing credit card numbers, this guy should go up for his crimes.
Wadda want, send him to each and every victim's computer to scrub it ?
Even inasmuch as, like any decent person, I abhor the exploitation of children, still -- there's just something about both of these guys, a kind of indescribably skeezy vibe, that makes me somehow glad to see their whole operation imploding like this.
Like to say it is the details that get you (namely, an unencrypted USB key?). But a botnet attack on particular articles are like painting a bulls eye on your chest for the plods. Not to speak of using control domains in your own name-- why not just, like, use the botnet to steal someone's domain, surely one of those 100K bots is owned by someone who is renting a domain?. Perhaps the conspiracy theorists are right, no one is smart enough to build and attack with a botnet and so dumb as to leave that big a trail of PlodBait (r).
Oh well, only the dumb ones get caught. Or are successfully framed some Evil rck, whatever.
I thought the US had a tough anti-bully stance. It would appear to me as if this guy was not only bullied but also attacked and whatever he did to a failed magazine would seem justifiable to me. The magazine served as a catalyst to spread the attack regardless of how many may have viewed the article. After all why would a magazine want to waste it's time with an article that nobody is going to read?
As others have said, the riaa,mpaa get away with having their drones attack 'torrent' sites.
We know how it all works, nobody cares about rolling stone.
Unless of course your talking about our military generals who go to the magazine to express their feelings.
Perhaps this is more of a military/government issue rather than about this guy.
AFAIK, the anti-cyber-bullying legislation that exists is on a state-by-state basis and I don't think New Jersey has any.
Not sure if it matters - depends on how they wrote the law - but the reason for this legislation typically has been for the protection of minors, not adults. "It's for the children" and what not ;) I'd be curious if they wrote the laws with that in mind.