10 Seconds of "research"...
....will give you "a credible, unbiased source of information and analysis"
Or you can find out how they used forged documents to report that George Galloway was corrupt, of course the "Christian" in the title is more historical than anything, having it's roots way back when Mary Baker Eddy founded it, I'm not sure if her precription to have at least one religious article is still in force but it is decidly more secular in content these days, one would have to ask, why have something in the name that has no relevance? So either there is still some association with the modern healthcare deniers "Christian Science" (which has directly caused untold deaths) or there is no longer any association, in which case surely a name change is in order?
You can also debate whether their tax free status is appropriate (given it's secular nature), whether sister publications such as the Hearald, Sentinel and Journal have bias are a different matter, and where they get their funding, it's roots and title are definitely misleading.
>>Now you just look like a lazy bigot, fixating on the word "Christian".
I'd have to agree with this statement, however if I set up a sandwich shop selling "Nazi Hollocaust Panini" I suspect that there would be an obvious reaction, even if that particular roll had nothing to do with Nazis, I myself am bigotted against many Christian views, but for rational, justifiable reasons, it is a natual assumption to assume the title bears some association to the product, and a newspaper with "Christian Science" in the title would be expected to have a "Christian Science" slant.
I'll leave you with a final thought, if you ordered "Bombay Duck" in a resturant, not having heard of it before would you be surprised to be served fish? or would you be a "lazy bigot" for assuming that you would in fact be getting duck?