Hmmmm. I can see it now
Data should only be used to fight terrorism and serious transnational crime.
and of course the defintion of what is 'terrorism' and 'transnational crime' will not be stretched until it covers virtually any crime anywhere.
Data should be limited to that useful in fighting those types of crime, and should be clearly specified by the agreement....and will not of course be 'everything, cos you never know might be useful'
"Passengers should not be prevented from boarding by automated checks alone."
"We just have some manual checks to complete. Don't worry Sir. The checks won't take long. Can you come back tomorrow?"
Any country receiving and storing PNR data must ensure high standards of data protection.
"Memory sticks are just fine. just make sure you don't loose them"
Periods of retention should be limited.
"20 years long enough?"
There should be oversight that the agreement is being followed.
"Wayhay. More oveseas trips by auditors on expense accounts"
There should be reciprocity between countries.
And the recoprocity agreement will last just as long as the first request of data "or we will not let you aircraft land on pur soil" threat is issued."