Will St Jobs
tell her to piss off and leave us alone too?
Lily Allen, the British pop star, has issued a writ against Apple, in an attempt to find out who hacked into her Macbook. So says the Sun, which reports the pregnant songstress (25) is taking action after Apple told her it would co-operate only if ordered to by a court. We doubt that she will get anywhere, but you never know …
To use a car analogy thats like sueing Ford becuase someone was able to break in and steal your car.
Although i don't know what Lily Allens computer and internet security is like i bet like 99% of the population she using the same password for more than one website, email, login etc so there is a good chance someone just hacked a 3rd party website and found out her login details from there which gave them a nice starting point to hack into her pc.
To use a car analogy thats like sueing Ford becuase someone was able to break in and steal your car.
Especially when ford have said that people cant break into their cars because they are inherintly Secure.
I expect 3 pages of flame by lunchtime.
Im getting some popcorn :)
Actually, that's not quite correct. OSX is quite reasonable in security, and is easy to secure. It's true that it doesn't come fully locked down, but it still holds a candle to MS whose latest OS cannot go anywhere near the Internet without an anti.-virus condom applied - it is not as out-of-the-box secure os OSX. Actually, Windows is not secure at all in comparison.
However, you cannot make a computer secure if the user isn't given the basics. She probably used a simple password, or set up sharing without knowing the risks - I fear it'll be more a user than a system issue. Not that that is any defense for the paper that apparently "hacked in" - that's a violation of the Computer Misuse Act..
Some people don't believe anything until it happens to a celebrity. If this gets enough publicity it might make more people sit up and take notice that Macs have security problems too. If nothing else it might shut some of the idiots up that I have to deal with who continually spout shit like 'Macs are 100% secure' and 'Macs can't be hacked' and the classic 'Macs never go wrong'
I've lost count of the number of Mac 'vulnerabilities' that Apple have had to patch, so in agreeing with you I'll stick to general qualities:
"A well-known security consultant says Apple is struggling to effectively protect its users against malware and other online threats[...]":
"Apple has displaced Oracle as the company with the most security vulnerabilities in its software[...]":
All this designer crap reminds me of a certain mechanised ad for mashed potato, only the offering is a Cupertino. Tea with coffee on top, was that?
If she sued Apple or Microsoft because their operating systems were insecure and could be hacked into, this would be crazy and laughed out of court. But this is just like someone suing YouTube to get the details of someone posting an abusive video, or suing an ISP to get information on a hacker and so on. It' just seems not routine because she's suing Apple instead of Google.
I could have seen some kind of false advertising claim, maybe, over Apple perhaps exaggerating the Mac's security (I can't remember the exact phrasng they use but they don't merely claim it's more secure than a Windows box.) Although I still wouldn't have any sympathy.
But, it's not Apple's job to sort out security issues with the machine she bought -- the machine is not leased, and she's not under some cellphone-like contract with Apple, so that's that.