Vote anyone but NuLiebour
"NuLabour's statement appears to be an attempt to re-write history"
Doing what they do best, lying
How can any decent person believe anything they say?
A Lambeth councillor has been allowed back into the Labour Party following a controversial email sting operation that left him excluded from the party for the last four months. Kingsley Abrams, a veteran Labour councillor in the South London borough, was first accused of leaking confidential papers to a south London newspaper …
Why does it seem that all parties are against him?
Simple really. Nobody in politics likes a mole because they're all up to no good. So everybody is nervous that the mole might leak their little improprieties.
Remember in politics if somebody leaks information that furthers your cause then they are a whistleblower and a force for good. If, however, they leak information that hinders your cause then they are a mole and a force for evil.