Obviously the YGroups Aren't Part of the Equation..
Though God knows why.
I'm seeing nothing but negative replies on the YahooGroups blog and the Groups' suggestion forum to their new 'facebook' web 2.0 upgrade.
When this shakes down AFTER the full roll out, (the initial release has been such an unmitigated shambles, it's painful to see, when you consider that there are groups going back 11 and 12 years that have lost their entire archives - the numbers of users asking to have their groups returned to the 'classic' mode so they can download and archive their data is heartbreaking in some cases.) and the YG team tasked to 'rebuild' the property hasn't addressed the message retrieval and viewing snafu, the stream of list owners and subscribers leaving for less 'facebook' like listservs is going to become a full on exodus.
It's NEVER been this bad, and some of the things Yahoo did to the E-groups in the past were pretty hair-raising.
Get thee to the YahooGroups blogs (when it's serving, it's been down intermittently most of the day) and read the countless complaints. Even the yahoogroups suggestion board is running about 98% in opposition.
Where Web 2.0, and the "Look at me!" Attention Deficit Disorder 'tweet' crowd meets the Web 1.0, topic-dominated world of listserv users is a spectacular clash of cultures.
I'm betting on the list owners with hundreds of thousands of subscribers being the mathematical monkey-wrench to McAfee's math, once they take their lists of eyeballs for advertisers and go to GoogleGroups.
I already have my GoogleGroup ready if the re-build isn't completely as functional as the original group offerings.. and it's NOT looking good so far.