back to article Tom Clancy's Hawx 2

Just like its predecessor, Hawx 2 falls fouls of one of gaming's most frequently exasperating ironies: dogfighting. Of all the approximations of real-world thrills, aerial combat must rank as one of the most exciting imaginable. Time and time again, however, those thrills fail to translate through the medium of videogames. …


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  1. Danny 5
    Thumb Down

    Ace Combat

    i tried Hawx 1 and didn't really like it. i got Ace Combat 6 soon after and was happy to see that they did get most of it right. the two games compare quite well, but obviouly UbiSoft has some work to do if they're going to get anywhere near the quality of Ace Combat.

  2. Jonathan White


    er... isn't the issue with Chilean mineshafts that, at the moment, they DON'T have holes in them?

    1. Anonymous Coward

      They have at least 1...

      If there were no holes, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be an issue anymore, just a rather big tragedy..

    2. bolccg

      Yeah and therefore

      his comment is right - the plot has more holes than said mineshaft :O)

  3. Annihilator
    Thumb Down

    Assistance Off

    Does is still have the ridiculous system its predecessor had where you can switch it to "realistic" mode, but it forced you into a stupid 3rd person perspective view? That's the reason I hated HAWX so much. That and it took about 3 hours to complete.

    Personally, I'm waiting for Ace Combat title to hit the PS3 (Assault Horizon - next year?). It's still my favourite PSP title, and ranks highly in my PS2 collection.

  4. Lottie


    It's a real shame the game sucks as the graphics look beautiful. Mind you, no V/STOL on a harrier is unforgivable.

  5. Citizen Kaned

    i have to agree....

    ive never found a flying game that has been fun!

    downloaded hawx demo at weekend. it lasted 10 minutes before turning off. zero fun to play and the control was just frustrating.

    1. Les Matthew

      @Citizen Kaned

      Have you tried Wings of Prey?

      Demo available, about 1.1 gig though.

  6. Iain Bagnall

    IL2 Sturmovik

    I noticed a little mention of IL2 there- to anyone who remembers it, or enjoys real sims, take a look at IL2: 1946 and install the community-built Ultrapack 2.1. What the community is doing with this old sim is truly breathtaking. Thrilling low-level ground attack missions against heavy flak, intercepting bomber streams, carrier battles, massive online wars and campaigns, and about every important WW2 aircraft- and some from the korean war too to boot. Dig out your copy and get playing, there is no better combat flying experience.

  7. Dan Herd

    Chocks Away...

    ...on the Acorn - no-one has come close to that for dogfighting fun since.

  8. Hedon

    Where's The Fun?

    Me and my friends play Battlefield 1942 Battle of Britain multi-player online. So much fun it hurts. Quite an old game now but there are always a few servers active (check out TAW).

    Dogfighting in WW2 era planes, being shot down and parachuting into enemy territory then sneaking into their airbases and nicking their planes all good stuff!

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