ok someone just needs laid.
Earth has witnessed its first Klingon opera. On Friday in The Hague, Netherlands, the Terran Research Ensemble raised the curtain on "U," the first Earth opera performed entirely in Klingon. "U" is the Klingon word for "universe" or "universal," and the opera tells the story of Kahless the Unforgettable, said to be the first …
Qo'noS is the Klingon homeworld, but it is only one planet among many. Kling or more properly Klinzhai would refer to the "Citizens of the empire." Mostly Klingons, but some subjugated races that had been integrated into Klingon society as fully citizens as well. To invite the totality of the Klinzhai would be to invite members of many various species that made up an empire spanning hundreds of light years and dozens of habitable planets.
Mine’s the one with the misspent youth in the pocket…
Actually I believe Kling was originally intended to be the name of the world, until someone on the TOS writing staff pointed out that it'd sound really silly. In fact, I'm not sure whether there wasn't an on-screen reference to Kling as the Klingon capital at one stage, because once it was agreed that, yes, it did indeed sound silly, the homeworld just became 'the Klingon Homeworld' until someone decided to call it Qo'noS. The solitary reference to 'Kling', I believe, was retconned to refer to the capital district on the said planet.
As for Klinzhai, I'm fairly sure it refers to the written language of the Klingons, not to the people or the planet. Or it may just be the lettering system. Anyone got Marc Okrand's address?
Also coat.
You have no joy in your soul. How lovely for you that you must sneer at what other people enjoy. Who is sadder? The people who get a moment's passing interest and amusement from debating the pedantry related to a series of Televisions shows they found interesting, or the individual who feels so threatened by this that they feel they must lash out at these harmless nerds?
TL;DR: It’s not a playground and folk ‘round here pity (rather than respect or fear) bullies. Grow the fnord up.
I was thinking the same as I scrolled down through the comments. Klingon is so boring and serious. Vogon poetry is the only way to go.
On the topic of Klingon, I think that the august organ that is 'The Onion' has shown us what is very likely the truth, so I suppose that I should just accept Klingon opera:,709/
Just how many Klingon-speaking Trekkies do they expect to find in the land of the tulips? Or will us mere Earthlings and other non-Klingons be issued with a Universal Translator...
As they say on Kronos, "Gbqnl vf n tbbq qnl gb qvr." That and something about revenge and cold soup.
Uhura, Rand and Chapel singing Three Little Maids (Mikado)
Klingon Ensemble (lead by Worf) singing Pour, Oh Pour the Pirate Sherry "Bloodwine" (Pirates of Penzance)
General/Chancellor Martok singing "I am the very model of a modern Major General" (PoP).
(which I would desperately love to see sung in tlhIngon.
Bridge Crew Enterprise singing "We Sail the Ocean Blue" (HMS Pinafore)
with a rebuttal by the engineering/security teams of Enterprise NX01 of singing
A British Tar (HMS Pinafore again).
@ Martin Lyne
One of the most popular nights of the BBC proms for the last few years has been the Dr Who night - some great music, video and people dressed up in costume. The kids love it (and even though they will deny it, so do the parents). I reckon a Trek evening could be just as popular as there is some really good music (some of which is almost impossible to get hold of).
at others...
With reference to the language, Renee Fleming sang the part of Britannia during the LNOTP - it was in English, and I know the words, but I damned if I could make out more than a few words. This didn't stop it being a really great performance by a fantastic diva and the old goosebumps were working overtime. Not sure that the helmet matched the Vivian Westwood though - perhaps if she had carried a trident and shield as well....