Delinquent? Excuse me?
Speaking as one of the many fathers who have to deal with the CSA, not because of my own delinquency or unwillingness to pay, but because my child's mother is unemployed and hence my support payments HAVE to go through official channels, I have to say I rather take offence at your tone.
Mind you, I've always taken considerably more offence at the way the CSA are so egregiously incapable. Also, that my child actually receives roughly £40 of the £300+ that's taken from me monthly. I guess we know what's happening to the other £260/month...
The CSA is a dreadful fail. Mind you, junking it would require some sort of replacement (my stepkids' father has never contributed a penny to their upkeep, but he left the country years ago and is untouchable, it seems. Delinquent fathers like him SHOULD be pursued by someone) and I'm sorry to say that CSA MkII would simply be more of the same...
Anonymous, simply because.