I watch water polo. The folks who play it get paid what I consider a pittance for their efforts. Other than that, I do watch Hockey like a good Canadian, but not the NHL. In fact, I'd like to see the players in the league I watch get paid more. I'd be willing to pay more for my season's tickets if they would.
Furthermore, CEOs in IT get paid excessively compares to their peers in most other industries. There are a few industries that are as bad, but overall IT is among the worst of the lot.
I also don’t see a “jealous rage” at all. I said I think he is grossly overpaid. I believe that the CEO of a multi-billion-dollar company deserves to be paid in the quarter-million range regular salary. That would cover the stress and the long hours. It would put them on par with other folk who work for them putting those stupid hours in.
The company should indemnify them against lawsuits incurred on the job.
They should also get performance bonuses TIED TO PERFORMANCE OF THE COMPANY that is where they make their millions from. My beef is that the base salary is disproportionate to the effort. My beef is NOT with the man making millions.
Also: there are plenty of folk that Hurd employs with far greater education than hi that I assure you he doesn’t pay nearly that well. You can tell me I am not qualified to comment on this all you want, but I am merely comparing IT to the scale of available other industries and looking at the scale of BASE SALARIES and how they are calculated.
So I maintain my statement: effort isn’t rewarded. Luck and making the correct decision at the correct time is. Bully for Hurd managing to cheat the system, but it doesn’t make the system any more just.