back to article Panasonic adds iPlayer, Twitter to tellies

Panasonic has quietly rolled out a software update for its 2009 series of internet-connectable HD TVs. The patch usefully adds BBC iPlayer and - perhaps less so - a Twitter client. Reg Hardware reader Andy Whittaker alerted us to the presence of the update, which we learn was covered by regular Reg Hardware scribe Nigel …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Just one more step needed here

    allowing the TV to tweet to the world what you're watching without you having to go to the trouble

  2. This post has been deleted by its author

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The next step

    link this into the Sony system (I think its was them) where a sensors in the TV spots when you've fallen asleep so it can switch it into standby ... clearly at the same time it could automatically send out a tweet to say "watching <current prog> - so boring I fell asleep"

  4. John I'm only dancing


    Why would I want to watch iPlayer on my TV, or send twats via twatter, like

    "#@ berk. fallen asleep watching crap on beeb again"

    1. jonathanb Silver badge

      Re: Yawn

      You might want to watch iplayer on your TV because it has a bigger screen, more comfortable seat in front of it etc. A TV is for watching TV programs on, and I guess it is nice to be able to watch what you want to watch rather than what the TV channels want to show you.

      I can't think why anyone would want to use Twitter on any other device, so I'm unable to explain why they might want to do it on their TV.

  5. Ale

    Article a bit misleading re. iPlayer

    This update only adds (fixes?) iplayer on the red button of older tellies hooked up to freesat.

    It doesn't add iPlayer if you don't have a satellite dish, which is a shame. It would be nice to have an iPlayer client via the vieraCast UI.

    1. Richard Tobin

      iPlayer on Viera Cast

      I mailed Panasonic about this, and they said they have "no plans" to provide it. Which is pretty silly, since they already have most of the necessary infrastructure..

  6. Me Again
    Thumb Up


    Not only do you need a dish, you also need to hook it up to t'internet. But it's good having iPlayer on the TV. Yer know, watching TV programmes that you've missed, on the TV? What's not to like?

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