Freetards vs. Homebrew+OtherOS
Most of the driving forces behind cracking the PS3 were enticed to do so after OtherOS was killed. Unfortunately, once these guys cracked it, the freeloaders immediately use the acquired skills enable piracy on the device, under the guise of 'backups'. This is a load of bull, as the PS3 already installs a good portion of the game on the HDD, so the BluRay disc isn't used as much, so there isn't that big a risk of BR scratching.
And *still* no way to get OtherOS back. That should've been the main goal, if this toy had enabled that, it would've given them legal standing to not only keep on the sales, but probably force Sony to re-enable OtherOS on future firmware updates. But noooooo... they wanted free games. While I think that the "piracy == theft" argument is pretty much flawed, I do not condone piracy.