Think of the Quangos...
For once someone genuinely is thinking of the children, and governmental agencies don't want to do anything about it? Why am I not surprised?
Children's Rights Group ARCH has threatened to take the Information Commissioner to a judicial review after the data regulator declined to take enforcement action the Youth Justice Board for unlawfully collecting and distributing data. According to Terri Dowty, Director of ARCH, the Youth Justice Board (YJB) is continuing to …
ICO getting the law wrong and failing to act and enforce breaches of relevant laws? Surely not. That would never happen. Oh wait.. this the same ICO that failed to act on the illegal BT/Phorm trials and showed itself to be systematically incapable of even understanding the technology let alone its regulatory and legal requirements leading to the EU case. The same ICO that has been shown to be incompetent and toothless in numerous cases over the last 5 years at least..
I thought the purpose of such entities was to make the hoi polloi believe something was being done about whatever subject was at hand while in truth protecting the quangos and individuals the folks in power liked. You make it seem like you believe that there exist government agencies (ourside of health care/social services and firefighting) that actually help people.
Nine times out of ten when someone starts talking about "children's rights" it turns out they're either on some kick that actually has nothing to do with children (like censoring Craigslist) or their definition of "rights" includes only the Jobsian "freedom (from porn)" kind of rights.
So it's a bit of a shock to see that label used for a group actually genuinely advocating protecting the rights of children. Amazing.
The name "Youth Justice Board" made me wonder so I did a quick search. Sure enough, Wikpedia says
"The YJB oversees the youth justice system in England and Wales. It works to prevent offending and reoffending by children and young people under the age of 18, and to ensure that custody for them is safe, secure, and addresses the causes of their offending behaviour."
So presumably the YJB database includes the details of wonderful kids like the killers of James Bulger? I'm *SO* glad to see their rights are being protected.