HTC Desire Froyo
I have a HTC Desire running 2.2 Froyo. Just installed the game from the Marketplace and it works fine. Not sure what this article is claiming about it not being available.
Angry Birds Angry Birds, the insanely popular iPhone game, made its debut on Android phones on Friday. Rovio, the developer, is making the game available as a beta "lite" version on Android Market. In a blog post, the company says that it is presented on an "as is" basis and that it can't guarantee functionality on every …
I have run it on the Hero the day it was released. You can install it using AppBrain and the fast Web Installer.
You will find a few problems as it is not designed to run on HVGA. The screens will be a little too big but if you click the background or the trackball when the Beta disclaimer is on and the bottom right corner when the tutorial screens show then it will work fine (apart from some of the background graphics not displaying).
> They still need to be developed, regardless of the specs of the target system.
That's what middlewares are for: Write once, compile on many platforms (assuming that the developer did purchase the middleware SDK for each and every platform it plans to target).
Given that Apple doesn't allow middlewares tho...
Yay for Angry Birds on Android - BUT
I already have the game on iPhone and on my iPad. What I *really* want is some way to sync my progress between versions. Either by some uniqe code or online service. Then I can play with whatever device is to hand and not worry about having to re-do levels on the stuff at home.
... for letting us know that you have an ipad and an iphone and your particular complaint with this game. I am sure that it is entirely relevant to the topic at hand and further esteems you in the eyes of us lowly Android owners; and perhaps the developers would definitely want to spend some time investigating the synchronization of gameplay between disparate devices in order to save you the effort of having to walk a few feet and pick up the device you were originally playing on.
the reason its not showing up in the market for everyone is that the current build is only for HDPI devices (desire, N1, X10, etc) so that rules out a lot of us on older devices.
You can still run it on MDPI devices (runs fine on my Hero) but some of the menus run off the screen and it can lag a little sometimes but its more than playable...
Hopefully the next version will include support for other screens as for a beta, its pretty good :)
The comments above:
"so I'm waiting for 2.2 so i can transfer to SD."
"...running Android 2.1 update 1."
"have no idea as to what's causing it, but my custom 2.1 ROM on my Hero"
"current build is only for HDPI devices"
"does it require Froyo?"
and so on...
show a key reason why Apple have done so well with the iPhone. Homogeny is a good thing when it comes to mass market appeal. iPhone users don't have to faff around like this.
I await my torrent of downvotes ;-)
See title. I'm sure it'll be sorted by the time it's ready for "proper" release. If it's not, you can lay the blame at the feet of the developers, not the OS. And are you saying that the iToy, iToy2, iToy3, iToy3gs, iToy4 and iToy Super Large Edition are not disparate devices with wildly differing specs?
Just think. If it was still in development for the Jobsian touchtoys, nobody would be playing it yet.
And no, no downvote from me. Takes a little more than simple ignorance for me to make with the little red 1.
Didn't we all say that Fragmentation would occur? Yes, I believe we did. Not saying that the Android is a bad platform, but myriad of generations from each manufacturer would be very annoying, to say the least.
Isn't this kinda like the Linux World. We have so many versions of Linux and they are all pretty good, btw, that it practically killed the mass market?
Too bad because I love Ubuntu and I really like the features of most the Android phones. I love the idea of Android but I think this is a case of too many cooks stirring the pot.
I too await the wrath of down thumbs. But I offer a beer to make peace.