Does the goalie...
...get to wear Joy Division Oven Gloves?
Mines the long raincoat....
Football minnows Bulgaria face an uphill struggle in their forthcoming clash with England, because not only will they confront some of the most talented, hard-working and successful players in the history of the beautiful game, but their opponents will be clad in a new strip created by former Joy Division designer Peter Saville …
Northern Mariana Islands (US overseas commonwealth)
The British Empire rises once more.
The moral of this story should be "Just because someone can do a thing,doesn't mean you should let them."
Before their Euro campaign starts, the English media will write purple prose about them. There will be endless silly references to World Cup 1966, and English successes in European club contests. After all, it's only 44 years since the English team won something important, and the "English" clubs which win European contests often include as many as two English players.
Then when the English team flops as usual, the media will turn purple with anger, and start shooting scapegoats.
Good on you Peter Saville, well done in peddling tat to the chavs. Hope you are getting a nice little commission out of it all. But somehow I just can't see the crowds wearing your politically correct rags, might sound good to the chattering classes who read the guardian. But I can't help but think you are missing your target audience, which is the very people who you deplore.
But since the England squad and their pathetic manager are just a picture of failure, your strip will just be the cherry on the top of a poo. Very fitting, something which is not representing England, because lets face it, an Italian manager, and well you know the rest.
Politically correct sporting attire? WTF? Who gives a shit about a politically correct kit? Will it help us perform better as a team? Will it fcuk! Left wing politics? Right wing politics? I don't give a shit about politics every time I go to an international match. I don't go to debate political phlosophies. I don't go to celibrate multi-culturalism. I go to watch a sporting (non)event. Spare me such piffle. Personally, I found last nights kits rather dire and totally uninspiring. Politics and sport - keep 'em well away from each other.
As for commentards knocking the squad... You only have one national team. Be proud of it and support it - or (1) emigrate and stop with the whining already, (2) get out there and do better yourself.
Saville? Stick to stiff you're good at. WTF were you thinking with those blue shorts? The kit's worse than any recent performance by the team - by a mile!
"As for commentards knocking the squad... You only have one national team. Be proud of it and support it - or (1) emigrate and stop with the whining already, (2) get out there and do better yourself."
Correction. We have plenty more than *one* national team. We have quite a lot, including more than one just for football (women's team, under 21's etc.). And many of them are doing significantly better on the international stage than the Premier League Prima Donna love in that is the England Mens Football Team.
Of course, these are teams from other sports, and as such may be unheard of amongst the ranks of those for whom Football is a matter more important than life and death. But for those who dare poke their heads aboth the terrace parapets for more than a brief moment there is a valuable lesson to be learned - many of these other teams are actually doing quite well!
Our Rugby teams in both formats are held in high regard, and our Cricket teams have also been enjoying a few good years, including Ashes success. Our athletics team has been steadily improving for quite a long time, and have even been winning some Olympic and World gold medals. Our rowers, swimmers and sailors are regularly blowing much of the opposition out of the water (metaphorically speaking ;) ), and our cycling and equestrian teams are also often at the head of their respective field. Heck, even our Winter Olympians and our gymnasts have been bringing home the medals!
About the only team that comes to mind which is performing to the same level as the England Mens Football Team is the Davis Cup Tennis Team. Nuff said, I think!
I should note that, whilst I am not a football fan and rarely watch internationals on TV, I would actually like us to do well on the international football stage, if only so we get a reprieve from "1966 and all that". But until the current lot work out how to actually play together as a unit, or they drop some of the egomaniacs and draft in some players that may not be *quite* as talented but actually understand the concept of teamwork, it ain't going to happen. Until then, and *EVEN* then, let us *please* remember that football is not the only sport... ;)
(typed with tounge firmly planted in cheek - well, mainly ;) )