Digital readout
Does that pretty much define "gimmick"? I can't say I'd ever need to know the remaining capacity of an external drive while unplugged. Well, I could, but I'd be clutching at straws.
Verbatim's InSight external hard drive is an unusual-looking offering, but that odd wave-like curve at the front is home to the unit's status readout screen. Verbatim Insight Verbatim's InSight 500GB: tells you how much space you have left Unlike rival drive maker Western Digital, which also puts a status display on some …
Re: "It's a nice little drive, the Insight, but it's pricey, with the cheapest I've seen it being £70. Not expensive per se, but you can get other, equally good brand-name 500GB external hard drives discounted to £50."
Yes, you can get other brand names for less but what the article failed to mention is that this portable drive comes with a 5 year warranty and the others do not. This difference more than offsets the price differential and makes it a winner in my books. I bought 2 of these devices to back up both my PC and Laptop. I rotate my backups onto these pocket-size portable drives and then I keep one at home and take the other to work which in effect gives me secure offsite storage.
"Fill up your drive, and the InSight itself won't tell you that you have no more room until you unplug it, forcing the display to refresh."
Utterly pointless then, because you'll only know it's full after plugging it in, by which time you could just check the capacity using Explorer anyway!
I disagree with the conclusion because the capabilities of the backup software would indicate it probably is worth paying the "premium".
Look at how much a copy of retrospect is for example, given you can also buy external drives with retrospect personal backup included it would be worth comparing prices.