back to article Apple livestreaming heralds Jobs-to-fanboi brain-linking

Apple's live streaming of its latest revolutionary product launch today is a dry run for the Mac maker's massive server farm which will eventually allow Steve Jobs to bypass mainstream media and download news directly to fanbois' brains. That is roughly what Cultofmac has claimed ahead of today's launch in San Francisco of a …


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  1. Loyal Commenter Silver badge

    Bait released...

    ...How many Apple fans are going to bite?

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Going backwards

    It will only be available on Apple platforms. That part sticks in my throat.

    In the days of going forward and freedom from device types, Jobs is going backwards.

    While throughout the world, equality and openness is gaining ground, I have to admit that I personally think that Jobs will kill Apple with this approach.

    At one point a few years ago I was thinking of getting an iPod, but with its closed approach to everything, which meant that it wouldn't play nice with my other equipment ... it is what ultimately killed Apples chances of ever winning over this potential customer to Cupertino's ways. And then mobile phones got smarter and better, so I don't even need one of Jobs' toys now.

    Sales suicide is what I call Cupertino's Apple device only attitude.

    1. Richard Gaywood 2

      Not really "only available on Apple platforms"

      It's being streamed via an open network protocol, Live HTTP Streaming, which was written by Apple but submitted as a royalty-free open standard to the IETF. There's nothing stopping anyone from writing a Live HTTP client for any OS they want, and that client would be able to show this stream. It's just that it's a new standard that hasn't been used much so far so no-one has bothered.

    2. DZ-Jay

      Re: Going backwards

      I think the point of streaming the event live, as suggested by the article, is to test the data-center's capabilities and gauge load and demand. Since, presumably, Apple is expected to offer multi-media streaming to their own devices, it makes sense that the test is only for the same.

      This puts actually puts more credence to that theory rather than to the competing one, which suggests that it is merely a ploy to cut out the live-bloggers from the mix in an effort to control access to the event and the message.


    3. Anonymous Coward

      Previous form

      ..would indicate you'll be wrong regarding the sales suicide & Apple only lock down (ipad, iphone etc).

      Personally, I hope you're right though.

      Apple needs taken down a rung or two, and if that results in more openess, then all the better. eg - instead of propriatory streaming using itunes, why not adopt something more open like DNLA, uPnP etc? Will it *really* harm their business/security model(s) that much by doing so?

      Google needs to step up to the plate here. If they can make "openess" work - without some of the serious downsides therein (and there are some real problems, regardless how much the droidbois protest) - then Apple will need to respond.

    4. Day

      "It will only be available on Apple platforms"

      That's not strictly true. If you go to Mac Rumors, they have instructions on how to see it (not quite live I suspect) in VLC.

    5. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      @Going backwards

      Well said, it's ridiculous the way they lock you down. I smell anti-trust litigation within a few years.

      1. Dan Wilkinson


        Haha, how are you, a non-apple customer, being locked down? Genuis. I salute your well thought out argument.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Paris Hilton

          @ Dan Wilkinson

          Er, the point is that we don't want twenty years of progress toward open, non-proprietary, standards wiped out by a bunch of vacuous fashion victims - whose only concern is in getting their hands on the latest bit of techno-bling.

          1. Dan Wilkinson


            Indeed, as already mentioned the standard that will be used is open, non-proprietry, and free for anyone to implement and use. Again, as already mentioned, if you use VLC (those of you beloved of Open Source playback software) you will be able to view said, which is surely the holy grail of your 20 years of progress? Speaking of which, what is the current streaming medium of choice for you? Realplayer? Windows Media? Silverlight? Flash?

            This stream is not a TV advert, it's there for the geeks and nerds to want to know what they are releasing next to be able to do so in advance of the resulting media regurgatation. The likely content will be information about the streaming of media to Apple devices, actually via the method that they intend to introduce. It's called eating your own dogfood. And it's intended audience is enthusiastic Apple customers, and media organisations - none of whom are going to have any problems watching this. If you don't care, and you don't own Apple kit, then just walk on by, this event isn't for you.

            How this impacts anyone I do not know, much less how it "wipes out" anything either. Although if it wipes out my memory of watching any other livestream via the medium of actually being watchable I'll live with that.

          2. Anonymous Coward

            Every. Single. Fucking. Time...

            Before you get your foam on, make sure you *actually* know what you are talking about. HTTP Live Streaming is not a closed protocol at all, but you'd know that if you weren't such a vacuous know-it-all troll hell bent on spreading irrelevant FUD, rather than discussing the actual merits of the technologies involved. See for basic information. That it is only available on Apple devices is merely an indication that it hasn't been widely adopted as of yet, that's not to say that it will be adopted at all of course. It's actually a pretty efficient way of streaming a live event; certainly has the potential to be better than the current **closed and proprietary platform** that is the favourite--Flash.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward


              Every... Single.. Fucking... Time....

              ... people speed read stuff and obviously failed to make the philosophical jump.

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward


                I'm not sure what you mean? Are you insinuating that I didn't get *your* point because I didn't read your post properly? FWIW, I wasn't responding to you. I'll respond to your post now though. You are wrong.

                1. Anonymous Coward
                  Anonymous Coward

                  No... I'm right

         my reality. In your reality ... well ... I'm not too sure.

                  You reply to the thread without specifying who you're replying to/following on to ... and you expect me to be a mind reader?

                  Excuse me ... my crystal ball is ringing.

                  1. Anonymous Coward

                    No Michelle, you are wrong.

                    In this and every other reality. And see the arrow that points up next to the title? That'll show what post the reply was in response to. Perhaps you need to learn how to use the platform before making supercilious comments. You don't need a crystal ball, just a little bit of common sense...

    6. Anonymous Coward


      > It will only be available on Apple platforms. That part sticks in my throat.

      Why? If you are never going to be an Apple customer, why do you care that this live stream announcing new Apple products is only available to watch on Apple platforms? You wouldn't watch it anyway!!

      It's ONLY a live event stream, and is most likely only being done as a test of their new streaming technology. It's not like they're limiting their new products or their website only to Apple platforms.

      If you actually are interested in hearing about these products, I'm fairly sure they'll be on the main website shortly after the announcement, and featured on every tech website on the planet over the next few days/weeks. It's not absolutely necessary to watch the live stream...

      > Sales suicide is what I call Cupertino's Apple device only attitude.

      LOL! So, just because some people can't watch the live launch stream, that is somehow going to affect future sales of these products? The vast majority of potential customers probably aren't even aware of the launch today, and even less of the live stream availability. Not all Apple's customers follow such things as religiously as the geeks on here.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        It sticks because...

        They are closing themselves off. They are an option in the market place that I can not consider.

        The message is, "If you're not already an Apple customer, then we don't want your custom. We don't want to wow you with our products and let you be a part of what we're doing and saying. If you're not already an Apple customer then you can go to a very warm place and try ice skating."

        Forgive me for quoting the theme from Hong Kong Phoey, "He's got style, a super style and a power that just wont' stop" ... a groovy style and smoothness of operation which is very tempting, but that comes at a cost I won't pay ... and it could be so very, very different. If it wasn't for their attitude, I could have been an Apple customer some time ago if it wasn't for this.

        I wrote more about my ongoing position here...

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Thumb Down


          > They are closing themselves off.

          No they're not. It's a stream of a PRESS ONLY launch event. This is the first launch event they have streamed in years, so in actual fact they are OPENING THEMSELVES UP to (some of) the public for the first time in years.

          They would be closing themselves off if they blocked access to their website to non-Apple devices, only allowed their devices to work with Macs etc.

          > The message is, "If you're not already an Apple customer, then we don't want your custom.

          Oh dear... They're not selling anything at this launch event - just announcing some new products.

          Anyone, anywhere with any web browser on ANY platform will be able to visit after the press launch, read all about the products and buy them if they wish.

          Are you being deliberately stupid?

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            No you are...

            ...being deliberately stupid.

            THe conversation moved from the single event and expanded to its demonstration of the philosophy of Apple at large.

            You might want to read a little slower in future, perhaps?

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Raptor Jesus

          Oh God, get over yourself luv. I couldn't give a monkeys why you won't go Apple. For cryin' out loud.

      2. Anonymous Coward

        Re: Huh?

        @AC: If you are wondering what that whooshing sound is, it's the original poster's point proceeding rapidly over your head and into the stratosphere....

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Apple to cut out middlemen journalists

        So Apple are going to communicate direct with consumers. Gosh does this mean we cannot rely on Journalist being balanced so that they report facts rather than hurt feelings......

  3. Andy Watt

    I know El Reg likes to poke fun, but...

    C'mon, this article was really poorly written, even for a comedy piece. It actually felt like I could feel the spittle particles hitting me as you spat out the vitriol - you sounded like the sort of person everybody tries to avoid as they've got red buttons that shouldn't be pushed... and when they are, step back and try to avoid ground zero.

    Sorry mate, this one was a bit stale.

  4. Alan Bourke

    Jobs is mental ..

    ... and the sooner he goes the better for Apple.

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      Yeah, that worked out very nicely for Apple last time he left...

      Whether or not you loathe Jobs, the bottom line says that he's doing at least something right.

    3. Kevin 9

      Yes but....

      I'd agree he definitely sees the world differently than the rest of us, but for the most part, I'd say its been a positive trait and not a negative one.

    4. chivanova


      I'm not gonna defend Job's idiosyncrasies or his dictatorial tendancies - but its ludicrous to say that Jobs is bad for Apple. Do you have any idea of apple's history or are you just jumping on the anti apple bandwagon like 90% of el reg's commenters?

  5. Anonymous Coward

    I for one...

    ..welcome my turtle-necked skeletor overlord, and his mind control technology.

    Or do I? Was that my decision or his?

  6. Anonymous Coward

    Not as dumb an idea as it sounds...

    Yep, I take your points guys, but if I were uncle Steve I'd make the same decision (but I accept not necessarily for the same reasons).

    If I wanted to load test my shiny new server centre, I'd want to limit the load to manageable proportions.

    And what better way to manage my load and keep client numbers down than allow only OS X desktops on there.

    Oh yeah, Linux desktops.

  7. Seanie Ryan

    in fairness

    a company decides to do a web stream and its gets this type of article???? wheres the Chief Editor? Surely you should physically beat employees who turn this nonsense in as a story.

    Its not like a live web cast has never been done before.

    and only being available on Apple Platform.. ever heard of Beta testing? why dont we burn every company at the stake that only releases for one platform during testing.

    God almighty, i must be getting old, my patience for this is gone very thin.

    1. dogged

      not just patience

      Your question-mark button is getting some serious wear, too.

  8. Dan Wilkinson

    No big deal

    If they're dogfooding it in public, I approve. And as for Apple only devices getting in on the act, well come on, but anyone with enough interest (or vested interest) to *want* to watch an Apple keynote live, is probably already the owner of suitable kit to do so on.

    Pity the poor Windows/Linux/Android/Anonymous Cowards who want to peep through the window only to find the curtains shut! My heart bleeds for them.

  9. Chris Hatfield

    Hilarious article

    I am apple fanboi & I LOLed. @Andy Watt - Get a grip. (Unless you are a troll, masquerading as a fanboi...)

    1. Andy Watt


      Seriously, I'm no troll. I'm not a "fanboi" either. My beef is with droning endless repetitive flame-baiting that Reg stories on Apple are becoming (the comment thread afterwards descends into the usual...). They're one dimensional crap! They used to be funnier, but now they can't even be bothered to come up with new ways to express "fanboi"...

      Seriously, at this rate their ad impressions will fall. And that would be soooooooo bad.

      This article's still a fail.. and I do have a grip.

  10. The Vociferous Time Waster

    blah blah blah

    Apple releases new stuff to feed the impotent lust of the wealthy thickies.

    Nothing to get worked up about, let's just get back to doing something worthwhile while the 'coloured crayon brigade' oooh and ahhh about the jobsian packaged version of something we've been doing for ages.

  11. Miek

    Re:blah blah blah

    "let's just get back to doing something worthwhile while the 'coloured crayon brigade' oooh and ahhh about the jobsian packaged version of something we've been doing for ages."

    'Coloured Crayon Brigade': You've made my day :)

  12. Anonymous Coward

    Hey, there is a positive outcome for El Reg!

    You no longer get to whine about not being invited to these events! You can watch them live on one of Reg Hardware's review machines! Just kidding!

  13. Mike Flugennock

    Psssst. PSSSSST...

    ...hey, guys... there IS no "September Fool's Day". Just so you know.

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    well the streaming worked reasonably well

    there were a few updated iPods, a small TV without a display and three Chris Martin songs.

    The stream went audio-only during the peak demand, but by clever refreshing with a pair of windows I was able to get most of it, and all of the Coldplay hits!

    (I still used for a live blog as well as the video id="movie" class="video" src="" autohref="true" width="854" height="480" autoplay="autoplay" controls="controls" /video, which I couldn't get VLC to open)

  15. The Other Steve

    Laughed my ass off, went about my day

    My god, you people are hilariously stupid. Just admit that you want the shiny and be done with it. Perhaps then the drooling will stop.

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