Repeat after me...
I hate software patents...
I hate software patents...
I hate software patents...
I hate software patents...
I hate software patents...
It doesn't matter who is on either side of these cases, I still hate software patents. I can see someone wanting to patent a specific, and novel algorithm. But how someone can patent the use of XML in any way is beyond me. It's simply a markup language, and any and all extensions to it are not only obvious they are logical based on the original concepts of a markup language. This is simply ludicrous. I looked up the actual patent and it's not a new and novel invention, it's a freaking obvious evolution of existing markup language handling. I can't believe I'm saying this, but Microsoft is getting shafted over this. there is nothing innovative or new in this patent. A competent practitioner in the field could easily develop their supposedly unique approach themself. Hell, even the language of the patent makes it clear that the thing being patented is simply a development of exiting concepts and technology.
Thank you US patent office, US courts and little tiny annoying Canadian Patent troll, you have made me side with Microsoft. That is a remarkable feat.